NEAT stands for Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Simply put: NEAT is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise.
Why do more NEAT?
If your goal is FAT LOSS, you want to burn more calories daily. Increasing your NEAT achieves this. You don’t just burn fat in the gym or during exercise, but all throughout the day. Increasing your NEAT activities increases your calorie burn!
NEAT can vary from person to person (of similar size) by up to 2000 calories a day depending on lifestyle and occupation. This is one major factor as to why certain people can lose weight easier once they get their eating under control.
How can you increase your NEAT?
You can burn extra calories through many activities:
-Walk more (park further away)
-Take the stairs
-Cooking (just watch out for tastes, nibbles and bites)
-Yard work/Gardening
-Walking the dog
-Playing with your kids
All these activities are calorie burners that contribute to your daily NEAT!
Start adding more little more activity to your daily routine to kick up your daily calorie burn and watch that waistline shrink.